Learning Outcome One

Learning Outcome One

Learning Outcome One 

I have chosen my second paper, “Food Through Our Perspective.” as my significant writing project. I feel that this paper best demonstrates my transformation in my writing this semester, and my first paper and my final paper differed from each other. In my first draft, I only had about 450 words. I didn’t really know where I was going with my paper. In my peer review discussion, my partners, Brooke and Makayla, helped me with both local and global revisions. Makayla helped point out my problems with MLA format, such as my date format, indents in my paragraphs, and my heading. Brooke and I talked through different pathways for my writing and she helped me brainstorm some ideas so I could keep writing. She talked about switching some of my paragraphs around to make it more cohesive, and about how to create a topic sentence that really sets up the paragraph. This really helped me not only revise and fix what I had written so far, but it also helped me to keep writing my paper.
